Prof. Dr. Werner Nann has, as co-author, written a contribution in the magazine “Die Wirtschaftsprüfung”, edition 4/2015, p. 181-186 (IDW-Verlag ISSN 0340-9031) on the subject of “The appraisal of property assets in the commercial balance sheet – An introduction to IDW ERS IFA2” . The background is the passing of the draft stating the position of the Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer (IDW ERS IFA 2) concerning the appraisal of property assets in the commercial balance sheet through the Property Management Committee (IFA-Immobilienwirtschaftlicher Fachausschuss) of the Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer in Deutschland e.V. incorporated association (IDW).

The subject of the concept/draft is in particular the elucidation of the initial and subsequent appraisal of property in the commercial balance sheet. Until mid-March 2015, suggestions for alterations and additions could be submitted to the IDW. The contribution provides a summary of the regulations of IDW ERS IFA 2 and of significant alterations compared with previous statements issued by the IDW and can be obtained from the IDW Verlag (