In 2014 Mr Andreas Einig, B.A. RSW (Accounting, Tax, Commercial Law) Auditing , wrote a book on the subject of “MaRisk bei Finanzdienstleistungsinstituten – Survey of Significant Regulations and Indications for Assessment by the Registered Auditor (Wirtschaftsprüfer)” under the number ISBN 978-3-8325-3838-5.
As per November 2014 the paper is meant to clarify and elucidate to the institute’s representatives the viewpoint of the public auditor regarding the regulatory demands alongside the standards applicable. This understanding of the interests of those involved in the assessment facilitates for the financial services institutes the course of action of documentation and creation of the supporting material, necessary for the auditing and control, especially under the aspect of the continuing changes and adjustments to current regulations.
The book can be ordered directly from Logos Verlag Berlin under or through a bookseller. Attention is drawn to the imprint.